
Thank you for visiting our Connect page. Welcome!
If you are 60+ we would love you to join us at Connect@ChristChurch! We are a lively group who meet on Thursday mornings during term time from 10:30-11:45am. You can be sure that you will be made very welcome. We really enjoy spending time with one another and especially like getting to know new friends who come along.
Our times together are varied from week to week. We regularly have ‘Learn Together’ mornings when guest speakers give interesting presentations. Other weeks we hold our ‘Relax Together’ sessions when we enjoy a variety of games and activities while, of course, having lots of good conversations with each other. From time to time we have a ‘Discuss Together’ sessions, which is when we share our thoughts and beliefs in small groups. And last, but by no means least, we love our opportunities to ‘Eat Together’, holding parties and special events, including outings, throughout the year.
Each time we meet we share from the Bible for a few minutes and think about its relevance to our lives. We follow this with some light refreshments as we continue to chat together.
To contact the Connect Team, please contact the church office on 01582 661621